We feel our food incomplete without salad and when it comes to ill people it becomes mandatory to have salad in their diet. It is well said that eating salads everyday is one of healthiest eating habits. It is one of most easily prepared recipe. Here we are discussing the vegetable salad. Most of time when you visit your doctor then they used to advice us that include more and more vegetables in your diet.
Vegetables are considered a panacea for various ailment and help to maintain a healthy body. Vegetables are rich source of vitamins and minerals like phosphorus, magnesium, selenium, iron, copper, zinc and manganese. Vegetables are very effective to get rid from various diseases like blood pressure, cancer, heart diseases, stroke, cataract, anemia, muscular degeneration, high cholesterol, skin problems, diverticulitis, vision loss and muscular degeneration. So we can say vegetables help to resolve all the major and minor health issues of body. As vegetable salads work like a miracle for obese people or those who want to come in a shape because vegetables are low in calories and fats. It is scientifically proven that people who consume vegetables daily are less stressed out and always full of energy.
- Carrot – 1-2
- Onion – l
- Radish – 1
- Lettuce leaves – 3-4 leaves
- Turnip – one
- Beetroot – 1
- Broccoli – Few florets
- Parboiled Peas – 15-20 pieces
- Spinach leaves(blanched) – 2-3 leaves
- Cabbage leaves
- Green coriander leaves
- Tomato – 1-2
- Olive oil – ½ tea spoon
- Salt according to taste.
- Green chili – 1-2
- Lemon juice – 1-2 teaspoon
- Take all the vegetables in a strainer and rinse them with water properly.
- Peel off carrot, radish, onion and turnip.
- Steam all the vegetables for 5-10 minutes at slow flame (Optional).
- Chop all the vegetables and keep in a bowel.
- Add salt, lemon and chili.
- Mix all the vegetables properly.
- At last add olive oil and mix well.
- Garnish it with chopped coriander leaves and flax seeds powder.
- Delicious vegetable salad is ready and can be served.
- If you are making vegetable salad for the ulcerative colitis patients, then don’t use raw vegetables.
- If one have oral problems and find difficulty to chew then boiling of vegetables must be done.
- Vata type people should not prefer raw vegetables in salad. They should opt for prior steaming of vegetables.
- Flax seeds can be added because these are good source of antioxidants and good for digestion.
- It is healthy recipe for people who want to reduce weight.