Ginger is not only widely cultivated spice but it is world’s best natural remedy with versatile health benefits. Ginger is herbaceous perennial flowering plant which is used as well Known spice. This herb is used in ayurvedic system for its various medicinal properties. Ginger belongs to the family of turmeric and cardamom. This plant is easily adapted to warm climates. It produces pink and white flower buds in a cluster. These flower buds bloom in yellow flowers. It has annual leafy stem which grows 3-4 feet in height. Ginger rhizome vary in color depending upon different types. It may be yellow, white and red in color with brownish skin may be thin or thick. Both fresh and dry rhizome of ginger is used.
Ginger is used as a spice to add flavor in cooking, for centuries. The fresh stem of this plant is used as a main ingredient in many dishes, in Asia. In European cooking, ginger is more popular as powdered spice while in Britain, it is popular as gingerbread. Ginger oil and oil resin are other common uses of this ginger to flavor ginger beer and ginger ale. It is even used as an ingredient in cosmetics, perfumery and medicines. This ginger is pickled to make beni shoga and gari, in Japan. It is used as raw or grated ginger in tofu or noodles. In India, ginger is used as one of the main ingredients in the cooking of thicker gravies for vegetarian dishes, as well as in many other non-vegetarian dishes such as meat based dishes. Ginger contains gingerols, a-curumene, citral, D- camphene, geraniol, zingiberenes, zingerone etc. Ginger juice is used in the purification of opium (ahiphena shodhana).
Ginger can be used in dried, powdered, fresh, oil and juice forms. It is very commonly used spice. Gingerol is its natural oil that provides a unique flavor and aroma to this spice. Ginger is famous in medicine system because of its medicinal properties. It has very powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties.
Basically ginger is native of Asia, but it is cultivated throughout world in tropical regions. Africa and South America cultivate this herb for commercial use. Ginger had a great history in Asia and Middle East as an alternative remedy. Since 2000 years ago China has been using ginger as treatment for indigestion. Nowadays ginger can be grown indoors.
Fertile, moist and properly drained soil is best for the cultivation of ginger. It grows wildly in rainforest because essential nutrients are locked up in dead wood and decaying leaves in theses rainforests.